Pride Bracelets!
Hey hey! I'm Whiskeyandspite, a writer, a creator, a consent educator, and someone seriously hustling now that college is starting up soon. If you'd like to help me pay the bills and buy some food, buy a bracelet or two (or twelve) from me!I make all kinds, but since it's Pride Month, we're concentrating on those! I can make any and all flag combinations, in a myriad of patterns. Feel free to select a pattern you have in mind from some of the ones featured or let me choose one for you as a surprise.Each bracelet (unless stated otherwise) is $10USD, and all shipping is $3USD (up to 3 bracelets per envelope, otherwise $5)I accept payment through Ko-Fi or PayPal, just fill out the form below!
All bracelets made with cotton embroidery floss...
...range from 1cm-5cm depending on pattern...
...can be one flag or several in one, depending on pattern...
...awesome through wear and tear; thus far up to 2 years and going strong on some!
...awesome as a set or just on its own...
...happy pride for one and all on our amazing community!